List of products to add or id of variant to be added with quantity 1
The checkout id to add the product to. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Adds a coupon to an existing checkout
The coupon
The checkout id to add the coupon to. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Adds or creates a kit in an existing checkout
Checkout kit input.
The customer access token
The google recaptcha token
Adds metadata to an existing checkout
Array of metadata objects to be added
The checkout id to add the metadata to. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Adds metadata to a product variant in an existing checkout
The product variant id to which the metadata will be added
Array of metadata objects to be added
The checkout id to add the metadata to. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Associates an address with an existing checkout
The address ID to associate
The checkout id. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
The customer access token
Clones a cart by the given checkout ID, returns the newly created checkout ID
The checkout id
The customer access token
Flag indicating whether to copy the existing Customer information to the new Checkout. Default is false
Completes a checkout
The existing checkout id
Order comments
The customer access token
Payment data
The google recaptcha token
Creates a new checkout
List of products to add or id of variant to be added with quantity 1
Associates a customer with an existing checkout
The checkout id to associate the customer with
The customer access token
Retrieve information about a checkout
The id of the checkout. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Associate the partner with the checkout
The checkout id to associate with the partner. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
The partner access token to associante with the checkout. Will be canceled and return null if not provided
Disassociate the checkout with the partner
The checkout id to disassociate with the partner. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Removes a product from an existing checkout
List of products to remove or id of variant to be removed with quantity 1
The checkout id to remove the product from. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Removes a coupon from an existing checkout
The checkout id to remove the coupon from. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Removes a kit from an existing checkout
Checkout kit input.
The customer access token
The google recaptcha token
Remove Customization to Checkout
The customization Id
The product variant Id to remove customization
The existing checkout id
The customer access token
The google recaptcha token
Select whether to use current account balance
Use Balance
The checkout id
The customer access token
Selects gift variant in an existing checkout
The product variant id that will be selected
The checkout id to select the gift variant. Will use the checkoutId from the user checkout page cookies if not provided
Selects an installment method for an existing checkout
The selected payment method ID
The number of installments
The checkout id
Selects a payment method for an existing checkout
The payment method ID to select
The checkout id
Selects a shipping quote for an existing checkout
The shipping quote ID to select
The checkout id
Disassociate the checkout with the partner
Generated using TypeDoc
Adds a product to an existing checkout